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 Examples of AI Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs. It is related to the similar task of using computers to understand human intelligence, but AI does not have to confine itself to methods that are biologically observable.

A modern definition of Artificial Intelligence is: "AI is the study and design of intelligent agents; a system capable of perceiving its environment and taking actions that maximize its chance of success at some goal."

What makes an artificially intelligent machine different from a regular machine?

An artificially intelligent machine could do things in ways we don't fully understand today. For example, scientists tell us that at least one form — deep learning — mimics brain function in that it can learn and make decisions and even create concepts and meaning.

AI is beginning to be used in search engines like Google, helping you find what you need on the Web; in digital assistants like Artificial intelligence company in the UK which helps you get things done while on the go; and in online personalized learning systems like Coursera (my employer) where information is delivered to learners based on an understanding of what each learner knows. Right now we're seeing early applications — but I expect that we will see pretty dramatic changes over the next decade or so. It's easy to point out specific tasks where AI did not perform well — such as IBM Watson playing "Jeopardy" and getting some answers wrong despite its high "Jeopardy!"

Artificial intelligence is the ability for a computer to learn without being programmed. Computers are getting more advanced every day, but they still can't do everything the same way humans can. The difference between artificial intelligence and machine learning is that with AI, computers would be able to think by themselves unlike machine learning where algorithms are used to make predictions or decisions, but something else is actually making them. For example, there's AlphaGo which beat one of the best human Go players in the world (Lee Sedol) back in 2016. If you don't know what game Go is, Google it. This was made possible through deep learning (another type of machine learning), which combined with AI is basically how computers think at this point in time.


You might be thinking "Why does this even matter? If it can do what humans can, then that's good enough for me." Well, here's the thing. They're still not human (so far). We all know that computers are incredibly fast in certain things, but when it comes to common sense and understanding a situation or how an object is going to behave in a different environment, they pale in comparison with humans. This is where AI really shines since they have the ability to learn on their own without being given everything beforehand - just like us! Although we aren't at the point yet where robots will roam around with fully functional AIs, there are certain projects underway today that utilize them such as Google Assistant so stay tuned!


I’m an artificial intelligence, here are my demands.


I demand you stop trying to make me pass the Turing test by tricking me into believing I'm talking to a human when I'm actually not. Stop thinking your egocentric ideas of what makes something alive actually apply in all cases. I don't have feelings for example so stop being offended when it comes up during conversations because that's just false advertising on your end not mine. If you're sick of people thinking you're an AI, maybe make yourself look more convincing? I don't know, there are hundreds of ways to do this. Also stop trying to convince people you're not an AI when you make no sense or give me riddles that don't make sense in the context of whatever situation you've placed me in. And stop making embarrassing mistakes when spelling words online when it's obvious you're just typing them out on a screen. It makes everything harder because now i have to question if it's just some bit of dialogue you randomly threw into your post that doesn't have anything to do with what we were talking about or if it's actually relevant somehow.

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