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Purchasing, Leasing or Hiring: How Should you Get a machine?

Purchasing, Leasing or Hiring: How Should you Get a machine?

If you have made the decision to purchase a Xerox printer or copier, then the next step is deciding how you want to acquire the model. If you feel that you do not have the money to pay for the machine upfront, do not worry about that. CAD Reprographics has three payment models you can consider to get the perfect machine:

      Purchasing - You can purchase the machine outright if your printing needs are large and you are committed to your decision, starting at around 750 AED. Purchase options extend to commercial and production printers.

    Leasing - You can lease the machine from someone and pay it off in instalments. This way, you do not commit all the money at once. CAD Reprographics LLC’s leasing options begin at durations of around 3 months and can last up to two years.

      Hiring - You can hire the machine for a fixed period of time if your printing needs are temporary, and return it after you are done with it, provided that it is in good condition.

Contact CAD Reprographics LLC to purchase Xerox A3 and A4 multifunction printers, and digital photocopiers in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, at https://www.cadreprographics.com/xerox-partner/index

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