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Learn how to find a workers comp doctor

Hannah Phillips
Learn how to find a workers comp doctor

In treatment of workers compensation cases, the most important element is correct diagnosis. That depends upon the history of injury. Thorough physical examination. Once the diagnosis is made, a treatment plan can be devised. In most cases, workers compensation doctors in Phoenix choose the least invasive and least painful treatments for the patient. More intensive treatments may be offered in complicated cases by workers comp doctor at Arizona Injury Medical Associates in Phoenix. Here are some of the cutting edge treatments available with workers compensation doctors. To learn how to find a workers comp doctor follow the link provided.

Neck Conditions:

- Whiplash injuries - Occipital neuralgia (headaches that radiate from the neck to back of the head) - Cervical spine degenerative disc disorders - Cervical spine arthritis - Cervical radiculopathy (pain that radiates from the neck to the arm, forearm and hand)

Shoulder Conditions:

- Rotator cuff tendonitis - Partial rotator cuff tears - Shoulder bursitis - Shoulder arthritis - Shoulder myofascial pain syndrome - Bicipital tendonitis and tenosynovitis - Brachial plexopathy

Elbow Injuries:

- Tennis elbow (pain on the outside aspect of the elbow) - Golfers elbow (pain on the inside aspect of the elbow) - Elbow arthritis - Cubital tunnel syndrome (nerve entrapment at the funny bone)

Wrist/Hand Conditions:

- Wrist arthritis - Carpal tunnel syndrome - median nerve entrapment at the wrist. - Arthritis of the fingers

Back Region:

- Low back pain - Spinal arthritis of the lower back - Disc herniation - Spinal stenosis - Lumbar radiculopathy / Sciatica - Lumbar myofascial pain (painful muscles and ligaments in the low back) - Iliac region neuralgia - painful nerve (burning/ tingling) in the buttock area and upper thigh.

Hip Region:

- Hip arthritis - Hip bursitis - painful condition that prevents sleeping on the affected side and/or prolonged sitting.

Knee Region:

- Knee arthritis - Knee bursitis - painful, swollen bursa surrounding the knee. - Anserine bursitis - commonly overlooked source of knee pain. - Knee tendonitis - painful condition involving the tendons surrounding the knee joint.

Ankle/Foot Region:

- Ankle arthritis - Ankle tendonitis - Plantar fasciitis - painful condition involving the bottom of the foot. The first step in the morning upon arising is the most painful.

Nerve Pain:

- Nerve entrapment (pinched nerve) in the limbs or spine - Peripheral neuropathy due to systemic illnesses like diabetes or thyroid dysfunction.

All the above conditions are treated using the latest, non-invasive treatments such as physical therapy and rehabilitation, interventional pain treatments, medical acupuncture, trigger point injections, diagnostic ultrasound, ultrasound guided injections and more. The leading workers Comp doctor at Arizona Injury Medical Associates at Phoenix is an expert in workers compensation treatment as well the administrative processing required. This ensures that you get an accurate diagnosis, the right treatment and claim processing, all done simultaneously from the best workers compensation doctors.

Hannah Phillips
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