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What Is Local SEO And How Does It Work?

What Is Local SEO And How Does It Work?

A website is an effective tool to reach a target audience across the world. And SEO tactics help website owners to rank their website on the first page of search engine results so that whenever users search about them directly or with related services, they are visible to them. But what if you own a local business and want it to rank higher in a specific area? This is where the concept of Local SEO comes into the picture. 

If your business is serving people in one or more geographical areas or you maintain office premises there, then Local SEO is something that you should be aware of. In this blog, we are explaining what Local SEO is, how it works, and many more. 

What is Local SEO?

Local SEO stands for “Local Search Engine Optimization” is the process of optimizing your website for a specific local area. For example, imagine you own a shop or restaurant and you want your services to rank higher for certain search queries made by the local audience. Here, local SEO helps your business become visible to that local audience through local search results on Google. It indicates that you are serving a target audience within a specific geographical area.

If you are performing SEO for your website and user searches for your business or related keyword, then your business will be visible underneath the first three listings that are Google Ads, followed by Google Maps with three local listings, known as Map Pack. Local SEO helps grow your business ranking in the organic results on Google. 

Getting found online by your local audience increases chances of converting potential local leads into sales especially in the Covid-19 pandemic where people are more willing to connect online than offline

Visit the originally posted article and read more: Local SEO And How Does It Work
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