Because Shih Tzus, in general, are more miniature, especially the puppies, you may bathe them in either a bathtub or sink.
Assemble all of your bathing items in one location for easy access, allowing you to monitor your dog during the entire activity. To protect your puppy from falls and slips during bath time, place a towel on the tub or sink before placing your puppy. It may be beneficial to have chew toys in your Shih Tzu's bathing area to keep it occupied while taking a bath.
After washing and drying your Shih Tzu, go over its coat with a comb. You may also apply a leave-in conditioner on its fur. After that, you need thoroughly wipe its ears. You might also use this opportunity to cut its nails.
Shih Tzus are stunning, especially when they are clean and well-groomed. Bath time at home may now go much more smoothly, and you can maintain your Shih Tzu's coat smoother and healthier as well without the need to go to a grooming salon.
Any skin and/or hair coat issue exhibited by your pet should warrant an appointment with your Animal Hospital Kerrville TX.