Django is a high-level Python web framework that facilitates rapid development and clean, practical design. With Django, you can build better web apps quickly and easily with less code. Django is a registered trademark of the Django Software Foundation and is licensed under the BSD license for best data analytics courses online.
History of Django
- 2003: Initiated by Adrian Holovati and Simon Willison as an internal project of the Lawrence Journal-World Newspaper.
- 2005: Released in July 2005, named after jazz guitarist Django Reinhardt Django.
- 2005: Mature enough to manage multiple high-traffic websites in a data science online course.
- Update: Django is currently an open-source project by contributors around the world.
- Django: Design Philosophy Django comes with the following design philosophies-
- Loosely Coupled: Django aims to make each element of the stack independent of the other.
- Less Coding: Less code, so again, development is fast.
- Don`t Repeat Yourself (DRY): You only need to develop in one place, not repeat everything over and over.
- Rapid Development: Django's philosophy is to do everything possible to enable ultra-rapid development.
- Clean Design: Django keeps your code strictly clean and easy to follow web development best practices.
Benefits of Django
There are several advantages to using Django that can be listed here:
Object Relational Mapping (ORM) support-Django provides a bridge between the data model and the database engine, including many database systems including MySQL, Oracle, Postgres, etc. I will support you. Django also supports NoSQL databases via the Djangononrel fork. Currently, the only NoSQL databases supported are MongoDB and Google App Engine in data science and machine learning course.
- Multilingual Support: Django supports multilingual websites through its built-in internationalization system. This is a way to develop a website that supports multiple languages.
- Framework Support: Django has built-in support for Ajax, RSS, caching, and a variety of other frameworks.
- Management GUI: Django has a great off-the-shelf user interface for management activities.
- Development Environment: Django comes with a lightweight web server that makes it easy to develop and test end-to-end applications. Django is renowned for its unique and fully managed attribute app structure. You can create an app as a completely independent module for each function. This article will show you how to use this app to create a basic app and add functionality. For example, if you create a blog, you need to create separate modules for comments, posts, login/logout, and so on. In Django, these modules are called apps. There are different apps for each task.
Benefits of Using the Django App
- The Django app is reusable.
- The Django app can be used in multiple projects.
- It is loosely coupled. In other words, it's an almost independent component.
- Multiple developers can work with different components. Debugging and code organization is easy.
- Django has great debugger tools.
- With built-in features such as admin pages, you can save yourself the hassle of creating the same from Strat.
Reduce Pre Installed Apps
Django offers several pre-installed apps for users. To view the pre-installed apps, go to projectName-> projectName-> settings.py The settings.py file has INSTALLED_APPS. The apps listed in INSTALLED_APPS are provided by Django for the convenience of developers for boosting.
DJANGO MVCMVT pattern Model
ViewTemplate (MVT) is a little different from MVC. In fact, the main difference between the two patterns is that Django handles the controller part itself in batch normalization (the software code that controls the interaction between the model and the view) and leaves the template to us. Templates are HTML files mixed with the Django Template Language (DTL). Project structure The 'myproject' folder is just a project container and actually contains two items
Manage the Py
This file is like the project's local Django admin for interacting with the project from the command line ( Start the development server and sync the dB). To get the complete list of commands accessible from manage.py, you can use the following code- "myproject" subfolder-this folder is the actual Python package for your project.
Contains four files
● ( __init __ .py):This folder is treated as a Python-only package.
● Settings. py: Project settings, as the name implies.
● Urls. py: Function called with all links in the project. A type of ToC for a project.
● Wsgi. py: If you need to serve your project via WSGI.