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Subrogation: What it is and What to Expect

All About Insurance Agency, LTD
Subrogation: What it is and What to Expect

Sometimes an insurance claim can be complicated and cumbersome. There may be elements of the process that are hard to understand. One of those is subrogation, also referred to as “subro.” Unless you’ve had a claim that involved subro, you may not know what it means or what to expect. Subrogation occurs when an insurance company seeks reimbursement for the costs of a claim from the party responsible for damages. While many people think it happens only after the claim is fully settled, it can occur at any point during the claims process. For instance, in fire claims, a subro rep is often involved from the beginning. That’s why it’s important to share as much information about the claim as early as possible; it helps the insurance company determine if a subro rep is needed.

All About Insurance Agency, LTD
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