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How Small Property Dealers Can Start Their Digital Journey and Grow Their Brand Online?

How Small Property Dealers Can Start Their Digital Journey and Grow Their Brand Online?

Real estate is one of the last industries to have adopted the technology, which brought to us PropTech. PropTech Evolution has helped the property listing and inventory management industry to offer a seamless user experience. Big industry players have taken over the industry to give end-users a streamlined way to discover the new properties from the comfort of their homes.

The industry is keeping pace with this booming digital transformation as market giants has built their own solid web presence. Most of them have their own branded website that aid in spreading brand awareness and generating new leads.

However, the small industry players feel left out from this tide of digital transformation. Individual agents or small real estate firms are unable to build their own branded websites due to financial limitations and technical disabilities.

But what if there was a platform based on a SaaS Model that allowed small real estate agencies to not only list out properties but also help manage customer relationships?

Would you consider joining the platform to manage your inventory, contract, process payments, and many more things without much technical expertise or large capital upfront?

To convince you more and present a clear picture of the platform, here are some of the features likely to be part of the platform whenever team ashutec bring it out:

1. SaaS-Based Dealer Specific platform/CRM

2. Drag and Drop Customization

3. Property Functionality Comparison

4. Landing Page Creation

5. Advanced Contact Form

6. Automate Notifications & Lead Distribution Across Team

7. WhatsApp Integration for Effective Communication

8. Hide/Show Finalized Listing

9. Analytics

10. Testimonials From Past Clients

Future Expansion

1. Accounting and Reporting

2. Quotation Tracking and Management

3. Payment Processing

Read more about how small property dealers can start their digital journey and grow their brand online.

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