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Top 10 School in Tiruvannamalai

Top 10 School in Tiruvannamalai

Top 10 School in Tiruvannamalai

Education has always been the most important life changing factor of human civilisation. Building a system that balances human values, knowledge and skills are very crucial for any educational institution.

At the Path GPS, the system we follow facilitates students to build the right character, attitude and to decide their future course of studies and career. It also facilitates them to pursue their dream destination through academics, music, art, sports and extra-curricular activities.

At the Path GPS, we believe that every student is unique and precious. We also believe that it is our responsibility to prepare our students to become lifelong learners and to equip them to face the challenges of the ever-changing world. We maintain constant quality in offering education through experienced teachers and well-equipped learning areas to ensure high academic standards.

The teaching methods we follow are ideal for students who come from a diverse language and educational background. Our passion is to make students realise their skills, become confident and outperform themselves.

I wish all the PATHians to excel in their studies and focus on their goals!

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