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What Is The Specialty Of Cord Blood?

Prapti Chauhan
What Is The Specialty Of Cord Blood?

Earlier, after the baby’s delivery, the umbilical cord with the cord blood (that connects the mother and the baby), was treated as a medical waste. With the advent of cord blood stem cell therapy, the scenario has changed.

Basically, the umbilical cord blood, that remains in the placenta and the umbilical cord after childbirth is a rich source of haematopoietic stem cells, which has the capacity to differentiate itself into different blood cells – Red Blood Cells (RBC), White Blood Cells (WBC), plasma and platelets, during a stem cell transplant. In fact, cord blood has a large number of natural killer cells, higher proportion of immature T-cells and lower number of T-cells. But, it is mostly driven by the haematopoietic stem cells. Other non-haematopoietic cell types are also present like the mesenchymal stem cells(lesser in amount that what it is found in the bone marrow, placenta and adipose tissue), endothelial progenitor cells and multipotent unrestricted adult stem cells in the cord blood. In fact, Mesenchymal Stem Cell therapy has evolved as a strong contender in the fight against the deadly effects of Covid-19 virus.

Due to this differentiating nature of the cord blood, it is known to treat over 80 life-threatening diseases like cancer and sickle cell anemia. In fact, the treatment of Fanconi Anaemia, way back in the year 1988 is still considered the first successful cord blood stem cell transplant. However, clinicians have observed quite a number of successful cellular therapies ever since, across the world, till date. Research on umbilical cord blood stem cells being used to combat neurological defects like cerebral palsy, autism, and Alzheimer’s are gradually gaining momentum.

Knowing the power of stem cells, many expecting parents are planning to go for cord blood banking baby’s cord blood, way before the baby is born. And yes! There are many banks – public and private, who support and respect this decision. While, in public cord blood banks, parents would have to donate their baby’s cord blood, for research purposes or to help others, there are parents who choose to store their baby’s cord blood privately. In private cord blood banking, the parents store the cord blood at a nominal cost, enjoy exclusive ownership and reap the benefits thereafter. 

Well! The benefits include

  • Safe and painless collection of the cord blood after the baby’s delivery
  • Using automated and innovative technology for processing the stem cells, ensuring no manual inaccuracy and highest possible recovery of the stem cells.  
  • Proper storage (-190 degrees) for a successful transplant 
  • Getting a 100% match with the baby and 60% match with the siblings and the other family members.

Although cord blood stem cells are pluripotent like embryonic stem cells, the use of cord blood has been studied in areas beyond blood and immunological disorders. In fact, cord blood is being studied as a substitute for normal blood transfusions, in many countries, across the world.

Prapti Chauhan
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