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An Essential Test Tube Racks What Are Test Tube Racks?

Flinn Layla
An Essential Test Tube Racks What Are Test Tube Racks?

Test tube racks are one of the vital parts of the laboratory. These racks provide many benefits in the laboratory. Such racks are helpful in the movement of test tubes from one place to another. These test tube racks are specially designed for holding the test tubes.   One has to pay due consideration to such racks. As these are the racks that carry the chemicals in them. The *test tube racks have to get proper cleanliness. This is for the proper standing of the test tubes. There are many kinds of racks available in the market. 

How can one classify the test tube racks?

There are many varieties of test tube racks available in the market. All the racks are designed uniquely with different kinds of material. Some of the test tube racks are:

  • Wooden test tube racks:

The first test tube is the wooden test tube rack. In the process of sterilization, such racks can not be able to stand long. That's why these racks are not very effective.

  • Steel racks:

Steel racks are formed with wire which is very effective to the fluids. Because they are non-corrosive. These racks can hold the tubes in the sterilization process without having any damage.

  • Plastic racks:

The test tube racks also come in plastic. Some of the plastic test tubes are Nalgene racks, polypropylene racks, and acrylic test tube racks. They are considered as one of the best racks. 

  • Foam racks:

These racks are very flexible and economical. It can float on the water very easily and doesn't do any harm. 

  • Aluminum racks:

Such racks are not very effective. As they are not able to stand for a long period. They can easily mold their shape with the increase in weight. 

These are some of the rock types which are available in the market. One can get any of the above racks according to his choice. But he must consider that the rack he is going to buy will last long.

Where such racks are more suitable?

When we talk about the efficiency of such racks then the steel test tube rack has the best efficiency. It can stay for a long period and can resist high temperatures.

Below are some of the characteristics of the steel test tube rack:

  • Strength:

The steel racks have the great capacity and strength to hold the test tubes. These racks are more durable and stronger than the other racks.

  • Resistance of temperature:

Steel racks can hold high-temperature test tubes in a very effective way. It can carry up to the range of -150 F to +1600 F high-temperature test tubes. 

  • Corrosion resistance:

It can resist any temperature including pure water and atmospheric pressure.

  • Cleanliness:

Compared to the other racks these steel test tube racks are easier to sanitize. The shape of the steel racks cannot get changed after cleaning. 

  • Cost:

The steel test tube racks are not very expensive. A manufacturer can easily buy such types of racks. 

  • Sustainability:

The sustainability of such racks is quite good. Such racks are the racks that one can use anytime i.e. they are reusable. 

These are some of the features of the steel test tube racks. 


Test tube racks are one of the important parts of the laboratory. One has to pay due consideration while buying a test tube rack. The test tube racks help to carry the test tubes from one place to another. He must consider which rack will be the best and will remain for a long period.

Flinn Layla
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