Google Cloud announced two open-source libraries that make it easier for you to use the Maps JavaScript API in modern web apps.

The open-source JavaScript library meant for making interactive web maps and map-based apps, Leaflet is simple, flexible, and lightweight.
The Significant Role Played by Leaflet in Building Map-Based Apps
Leaflet is a JavaScript mapping library that has been used by websites such as Flickr, Pinterest, and FourSquare in the contemporary web space.
Developers without GIS background are allowed to easily display tiled web maps that are hosted on public servers and are provided with optional tiled overlays as well.
Feature data from GeoJSON files can be loaded, styled, and interactive layers such as markers with popups (when clicked) can be created, using Leaflet.
Several other layer types are also supported through plugins.

Foursquare has built a loyal audience of 60 million users by letting them check into restaurants. Uber reached a market worth of $72 billion by connecting passengers and taxi drivers. Starbucks has increased sales by adding local notifications to its app. With more and more mobile app users every year, these companies will continue to grow their profit.
In this article, I’ll share the insights we’ve gained when developing a location-based app, Juvo. It’s a native iOS and Android app for local communities of Norway.

Google Maps is considered to be the best navigation app.
It comes pre-installed on a number of devices.
Whether you are planning to go on a long ride or journey, here are some of the best alternatives to Google Maps.
Let’s have a look at the best alternatives to Google Maps in 2020.WazeWaze has occupied a top position on the list of the best alternatives to Google Maps.
It helps you know the right route to your destination.
You can download it on Google Play Store.Maps.meMaps.me is a good navigation tool that can help you reach your destination by displaying a map.

Google Maps service is developed by the Google.
Google has developed such a lot of most useful services and products among the users like Email service, Cloud computing, voice, Google Wallet, Google Play, and video calling, and so on.
It is indeed quite a useful service in order to find an appropriate address for your home, office, shop, and for the guidance of the road.
It will be getting ready to help you in all respects.
If you are whether, on foot, car or reserved auto Rickshaw and you maliciously forgot the address of your office where you have just joined recently, you can turn the phone on and go to the Maps and search out the destination on the search bar where you want to go.
Select the products for which you want help, and select that.