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Learn the Easiest Way to Fix Kindle Fire Authentication Problem

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 Learn the Easiest Way to Fix Kindle Fire Authentication Problem

Amazon Fire TV comes in many forms varying from USB sticks to portable boxes and allows your television devices to stream online content. But sometimes users face the Kindle Fire Authentication Problem. The main reason for the authentication problem is WiFi connection issues or you miss the updates. The WiFi connection issue constantly forces the Kindle to display the authentication error pop-up. But don’t worry. There are simple tips available that will help you to fix the authentication problem of Kindle Fire as soon as possible to avoid further inconvenience. 


Solutions to fix the Kindle Fire authentication problem


Scroll down the blog and follow the step-by-step instructions to fix Kindle Fire authentication issues. Let’s explore the solutions to fix the Kindle Fire authentication problem.


Fix the airplane mode

The Airplane mode serves all the external connections of the Amazon Kindle Fire device. Enabling and then disabling the airplane mode is the quickest way to fix the authentication problem. Follow the below steps to enable and disable airplane mode:

  • First of all, go to the settings of your device and then go to airplane mode.
  • Click on it once to enable it.
  • Now, click on it again to disable it.


Reconnect the device to the WiFi network

Sometimes the routers can cause authentication problems. Therefore you can fix the issue by reconnecting your device to the WiFi network. Follow the below steps to reconnect the Kindle Fire to the WiFi network:

  • Firstly, unplug your router from the power socket and wait for 2 minutes.
  • After 2 minutes, unplug your router back to the power socket.
  • Long press the power button to restart your Kindle device.
  • After that, move to the WiFi network settings and forget your WiFi network.
  • Then, click on the network option again and re-enter the password of your WiFi network. 


Reset the time and date on your Kindle device

Resetting the time or date on the device can also fix the Kindle Fire authentication problem.


Reset the router to fix the authentication problem

Resetting the router to factory default settings can fix the Kindle Fire authentication problem. Some routers have a reset button on them and other routers can be accessed through the IP address. 


Clear the cache memory

Cache memory or junk files can also cause an authentication problem to Kindle devices. Therefore, to resolve the issue, you need to clear the cache memory, junk file, and browsing history. Sometimes, changing the child lock settings can also block certain settings. 


Update the firmware and web browser

Outdated versions of firmware or web browsers can also cue the authentication issue. In order to fix the authentication problem, you need to update the firmware. Use the updated version of the web browser to fix the Kindle fire authentication problem.


If you are facing the authentication problem for the first time with your Kindle device then follow the above tips to fix the issue. Carry out the above solutions to fix Kindle Fire Authentication Problem and get back to your surfing as soon as possible.


 Read About:- How to Solve Kindle Fire Authentication Problem?

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