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Best Oncologist in Delhi | Dr. Atish Bakane

Dr. Atish Narayanrao Bakane
Best Oncologist in Delhi | Dr. Atish Bakane

Dr. Atish has completed MBBS from Government Medical College, Nagpur, which is one of the largest Medical College and Hospital in Asia. Thereafter he did his postgraduation in Paediatrics from Seth GSMC & KEM hospital Mumbai, which has word wide reputation as one of the best teaching Hospital. He completed DNB Paediatrics from Southern Railway Headquarter Hospital, Chennai. He did Fellowship of National Board (FNB) in Paediatric Haematology, Best Oncologist in Delhi & BMT from Sir Gangaram Hospital, New Delhi, India which is recognised as one of the premier institute and hospital worldwide.

He has completed MBBS from Government Medical College, Nagpur, which is one of the largest Medical College and Hospital in Asia. Thereafter he did his postgraduation in Paediatrics from Seth GSMC & KEM hospital Mumbai, which has word wide reputation as one of the best teaching Hospital. He completed DNB Paediatrics from Southern Railway Headquarter Hospital, Chennai. He did Fellowship of National Board (FNB) in Paediatric Haematology, Oncology & BMT from Sir Gangaram Hospital, New Delhi, India which is recognised as one of the premier institute and hospital worldwide. At the same institute he pursued IAP fellowship in Paediatric Haematology, Oncology and BMT. He completed International Transplant Course from Barcelona, Spain under the aegis of European group of Blood & Marrow Transplantation. He has been invited for fellowship in paediatric haematology oncology and BMT in Great Ormand Street Hospital, London.

Dr. Atish Narayanrao Bakane
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