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BNY Mellon Employs Blockchain To Digitize Working Capital In Global Trade Finance

Axios Credit Bank
BNY Mellon Employs Blockchain To Digitize Working Capital In Global Trade Finance

According to the latest reports on Sept. 6, 2021, BNY Mellon has joined consortium endeavors to bring blockchain technology into global trade finance and digitizing the procedure of facilitating working capital to both suppliers and purchasers across the world. Digital trade finance is the need of the hour for traders to survive in the post-pandemic world. 

The BNY Mellon’s association with Marco Polo Network will enable the company to bring more liquidity into the global supply chain to avoid supply chain management risks effectively as well as help in offering supply chain finance solutions including payables financing and receivables discounting to suppliers who are engaged in the shipment of goods and services to their importers globally.

The Marco Polo Network is a consortium of around 45 banks offering an open software platform for trade, payments, and working capital financing to banks, corporates, and other market members. The cloud-based blockchain-inspired network enables uninterrupted, safe, and quick exchange of trade data assets in a multi-channel environment.

Read more: https://www.axioscreditbank.com/blogs/bny-mellon-employs-blockchain-to-digitize-working-capital-in-global-trade-finance

Axios Credit Bank
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