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5 Benefits of Choosing NodeJS Development Company for Business Applications

5 Benefits of Choosing NodeJS Development Company for Business Applications

Numerous well-known companies and organizations – PayPal, LinkedIn, Yahoo, YouTube, Walmart, NASA, Reddit, Netflix, and Twitter, to name a few – have used NodeJS to build scalable real-time, dynamic, and visually appealing web applications. All of the behemoths mentioned above rewrote their existing code to NodeJS to increase the performance of their NodeJS web applications and team productivity.

Without a doubt, when it comes to developing an enterprise-level robust data-intensive web application, NodeJS — an open-source, cross-platform runtime environment — is winning over NodeJS Development Companies and company owners. It is lightweight, scalable, and platform-independent. It allows an application to be built and operate on the infrastructure. It reduces the amount of code that we must write. A NodeJS development company guarantees that the corporate web application takes a strong and functional form. A knowledgeable Development Company understands how to make the most of NodeJS. Additionally, it employs an event-driven I/O mechanism, which makes NodeJS efficient and aids in the development of scalable server-side or network web applications.

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