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Is Grade a Maple Sugar Good for You?

Is Grade a Maple Sugar Good for You?

Pure maple sugar grade A is specified in different degrees depending on the colour and intensity of flavour. You can use this natural sweetener in a variety of dishes, both salty and sweet, and it works well as a substitute for white sugar, brown sugar, or even honey.


Like refined sugar, natural organic maple syrup is called "added sugar" because it doesn't occur naturally in foods, although pure maple syrup is a natural product. Added sugar in large amounts can contribute to diseases such as obesity and diabetes. While maple syrup is a healthier alternative, avoid eating it in excess.


Pure maple syrup from Quebec Canada differs from other added sugars in that it has a relatively high nutritional value. Instead of consuming empty calories when using them to sweeten your meals, plain maple syrup can help you meet your daily recommended requirements for certain vitamins and minerals.


In 2011, a group of Quebec researchers discovered 54 beneficial compounds in maple syrup. Many of the substances identified in maple syrup have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.


Not all pancake syrup is created equal

Unless the label says "100% pure maple syrup" or the ingredients list says "maple syrup," your pancake syrup isn't made from pure maple syrup. Some pancake syrups may use words like "maple flavour" or "natural flavour" that would make you think they contain maple syrup or maple syrup extract.


Pure Canadian organic maple syrup is a complex combination of flavours that includes vanilla, marshmallow, and caramel. The darker the syrup, the stronger and sweeter it will be. On the other hand, pancake syrup is just sweet. There may be some other hint of taste that comes from the added flavour, but the predominant taste is the sweetness of the sugar.


Pure maple products use

Antioxidant maple syrup is an excellent substitute for table sugar - try it in your coffee! It doesn't have all the side effects that artificial sweeteners sometimes have. 100% pure Canadian maple syrup has fewer calories than other sweeteners such as refined sugar, white sugar, and even raw honey. It can be used as a substitute for other sweeteners in baking and cooking and provides a delicious touch to beverages. It works well in mixed drinks like mojitos and martinis and works wonders especially in combination with bourbon.

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