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Common Windshield Repairs In Grand Rapids

Common Windshield Repairs In Grand Rapids

A car windshield endures many extreme conditions, be it natural elements like rain, hailstorm, or other factors like severe external impact. As the windshield is at the forefront, bearing the brunt of harsh elements, it is vulnerable to damage. 

 When your car windshield suffers damages, it is imperative to get it repaired or replaced at the earliest, as per the nature of the damage.

 This article looks at the common types of Windshield Repair In Grand Rapids.

 1 - Stress Crack

 A stress crack can develop due to a sudden change of temperature. This is a common problem with regions where the temperatures can turn from extreme cold to warmer climates. 

 To avoid stress cracks, we need to be careful not to clean the windshield, or any glass components of the vehicle, with hot water if they have been left buried in snow. Use cold water instead to avoid sudden temperature changes, causing the glass to crack. 

 2 - Edge Crack

Typically, an edge crack escalates from within 2 inches of the windscreen lining. Neglecting a small edge crack could extend to a long one over time. 

If you notice a small edge crack, get it fixed early as possible. A long edge crack can reach 10 to 12 inches or more. 

 3 – Bullseye

 Bull's eye damage is the most common type of windshield chip damage. This type of damage is characterized by small size and a circular break with an eye in the center. 

 If treated timely by trained professionals, Bull's eye chip damages can save you a lot of hassles than if neglected.

 4 - Combination Break

 Windshield damages can occur in a combination of different types of chips and breaks. Most minor chips are repairable, but it is vital that you proactively act to fix the damage on time. 

 If left unattended, minor chips can extend and worsen, leading to a situation where replacing the entire windshield becomes the only feasible option.

 Determining If You Need A Repair or Windshield Replacement

 With newer emerging technology, windshield repair in Kalamazoo is far easier. However, we need to remember that there are certain important factors to consider related to windscreen repair. 

 The crack's size and its depth and location are the main factors a skilled technician considers before windshield repair in Grand Rapids

 Not all windshield chips are reparable. If the chip is bigger than 40mm in diameter, the technician may advise you to replace the windshield completely. 


 Windshields are made of sturdy glass that is durable and lasts a long time. However, they might develop small chips and cracks that could worsen over time. Getting them repaired in time could save you the hassle of getting them replaced. If you need help with windshield repair in Kalamazoo, please click here. 

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