Statistical AI based on machine learning is largely concerned with "inductive" thought: inferring a trend from a succession of patterns. Classical AI, on the other hand, is primarily concerned with "deductive" reasoning, which involves deducing a result from a set of patterns. Another distinction is that, as mentioned in the previous question, C++ is a popular language for statistical AI, whereas LISP is the preferred language for classical AI.
A system can't be considered truly intelligent until it can think both inductively and deductively. Many individuals believe that, in the end, some sort of statistical and classical AI synthesis will be used. Relational Statistics Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a type of AI that combines logical (or relational) intelligence with probabilistic (or statistical) intelligence. Statistical AI manages complicated domains containing many and even a varying number of entities connected by complex relationships, whereas relational AI works extremely successfully with complex domains involving many and even a varying number of entities connected by complex relationships.
Check out the analytics courses online if you want to learn more about this. The branch of artificial intelligence research known as symbolic AI (or Classical AI) is concerned with attempting to formally describe human knowledge in a declarative way (i.e. facts and rules).
Difference between Statistical AI and Classical AI:
Machine learning-based statistical AI is primarily concerned with "inductive" thought; inferring the trend from a set of patterns. On the other hand, traditional AI is mainly concerned with "deductive" reasoning or inferring a result from a set of constraints. Machine learning-based statistical AI is mainly concerned with "inductive" thought: given a series of patterns, infer the trend. Classical AI, on the other hand, is more focused on "deductive" reasoning: inferring a conclusion from a set of constraints. Another distinction, as indicated in the preceding question, is that C++ is a popular language for statistical AI, but LISP is the language of choice for classical AI.
Machine learning is also built on a foundation of older building blocks, beginning with classical statistics. It's all about the numbers and measuring the data in statistics. Find the best certifications for data science to learn more about this course.
For example, here's an example of how I've used Statistical AI at work:
- Analyzing the customer's behavior and food-ordering patterns, and then attempting to upsell by suggesting foods that they might enjoy ordering/eating. The apriori and FP-growth algorithms can be used to do this.
- Automobiles that drive themselves.
Relational AI excels at dealing with complicated domains involving many entities connected by complex relationships, whereas statistical AI excels at managing the uncertainty that arises from incomplete and noisy domain descriptions. Over the previous thirty years, both fields have seen substantial progress. Relational AI established the framework for knowledge representation and considerably expanded the data mining application arena, particularly in bio- and chemoinformatics. By utilizing probabilistic independencies, statistical AI, namely the use of probabilistic graphical models, has changed AI as well. These models' independencies are natural, give structure for efficient reasoning and learning, and allow for the modeling of complicated domains. Machine learning, diagnostics, network communication, computational biology, computer vision, and robotics are just a few of the AI challenges that have been neatly expressed and solutions for utilizing probabilistic graphical models. The branch of artificial intelligence research known as symbolic AI (or Classical AI) is concerned with attempting to formally describe human knowledge in a declarative way (i.e. facts and rules). If such an approach is to be successful in developing human-like intelligence in evaluation function, it must transfer humans' implicit or procedural knowledge (i.e. knowledge and abilities not typically available to conscious awareness) into an explicit form employing symbols and rules for manipulation. To gain a better understanding enroll in the best analytics courses online.
The common-sense knowledge problem was one of the most difficult problems faced by symbolic AI pioneers (discussed in the next chapter). Furthermore, domains such as sensory/motor processes, which rely on procedural or implicit information, are significantly more challenging to manage within the Symbolic AI framework. Symbolic AI has had minimal success in these disciplines and has largely abandoned the field in favor of neural network structures (described later in this chapter), which are more suited to such problems. In the sections that follow, we'll go over some of the key sub-areas of Symbolic AI as well as some of the challenges that this method faces.