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Backpacking Knife Maintenance Tips: Pointers To Look For

Tim Philips
Backpacking Knife Maintenance Tips: Pointers To Look For

Backpacking knives are essential for your camping experience and crucial for general survival. It's therefore important that you keep your knife in good condition to ensure that it's always available for use whenever you need it. Below are some maintenance tips and tips for what you should look for while buying a backpacking knife.

Use It Purposefully

A backpacking knife is meant for cutting and not a substitute for a screwdriver or a hammer. These impacts might destroy the knife fully, therefore be cautious.

Keep your knife clean

You should clean every part of your knife- handle, tip, and any folding mechanism. Be sure to dry it when it gets wet.

Store Your Knife Safely

Take care to store your knife safely. Find a dry and safe place to store it. You must keep it away from children or any area where pets wander. You must remove it periodically from its sheath and clean and dry it for its long life.

Prevent Rust

Many leather-made sheaths might absorb moisture causing rust to your knife. Rust will destroy your blade, and you must prevent it. Even if some materials are rustproof, there are chances of getting a little rust. Use a light oil coating and use abrasion to remove the rust. Keeping the knife dry will help it prevent rust. You can wipe it from time to time to remove any moisture it catches

Signs Of A Good Backpacking Knife:

Safety Features

While you buy your knife, you must pay attention to the safety features. Most companies would have such safety features in mind. However, you should also maintain safety while storing and carrying it.

Locking Blade

Locking blades is another important feature, and it ensures safety, and there are other conveniences too. The locking blade ensures that the foldable knife is strong like a fixed blade, and your knife is prevented from folding back by the locking feature when using it.


Consider your use when you are buying a backpacking knife. It should be easy, convenient, and open fast with just one hand. Folding backpacking knives have a stud, a cutout on the blade, or a notch that would allow you to draw it out with one hand with ease.

Assisted Opening Mechanism

Your knife might also have an assisted opening mechanism with a safety lock. This lock is there to disengage the knife when it is closed, and you would be safe from any accidental opening.

Final Thoughts

When carrying backpacking knives in Canada, you must keep them in your pocket. Doing so will help you in times of need, especially if you have wandered off far. Your trusty knife will come in handy.

Tim Philips is the author of this article. For more details about MDT Parts in Canada please visit our website: rangeviewsports.ca

Tim Philips
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