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The Opal - Nature's Most Beautiful Gemstone?

Australian Opal Direct
The Opal - Nature's Most Beautiful Gemstone?

The opal is a fascinating gemstone to look at. While other stones and diamonds are also interesting in an aesthetic sense, they don't match up. The stone's play of colors changes with the angle you look at it, making it a gem that you can look at for hours! These flashes of colors are called opalescence and may be numerous or few and differing in size and type. It is these colorings that determine how much an opal is worth.

The opal ring is a gem mainly found in Australia. Almost 95% of the stones on the market are mined there, though Mexico, Brazil, and a few American states also export the colored gemstone. There have also been recent findings in the African nations of Ethiopia and Mali, but the opal is an Australian stone first and foremost.

Opals are classified into two major groups: precious opals and common opals. Those that display the characteristic play of color are known as precious opals, while those lacking this - single color specimens - are known as common opals. Gems used for jewelry can be cut from both the common and the precious. Both precious and common opals come in many different forms and varieties. The absolutely must cherished opal is the black precious opal; with a black, dark blue, or dark green main background coloring, with a play of colors to match. The second most popular precious opal is white, which is white, cream, or yellow color and with a strong internal play of color. The most valued common opal is the so-called Mexican Fire Opal, which is a common almost translucent opal in orange-red color.

Opals are used in jewelry and maybe cut in thin slices that are put on a matrix material. Gems made this way are much cheaper than a solid precious opal and are a way to achieve the same display of color as solid precious opal. The opal is a relatively soft stone, so a coating made of quartz is sometimes used in jewelry, to avoid scratches.

The stone is in many different types of jewelry from necklaces, to pendants and earrings. There are stones and jewelry for all budgets.

Australian Opal Direct
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