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In today’s world, cloud storage apps have made it possible to store data and get access to it from anywhere.
If you fear losing your data that is stored in your hard drive, drive the fear away.
If you are one of those using Amazon Prime, you can get 5GB of free storage.
Amazon Drive offers you backup for photos and videos without any limit.
The free version of the app is good, but the storage is limited.
It costs $12.DropboxDropbox is one of the most popular apps that help you store data.

Panayiotis Lamprou has launched a website to support individual artists and scientists, empowering their art by increasing its audience reach.
Under the name of “D.E.U.S”, the online platform encourages people to share their ideas of love and compassion through visual art and writingsFor more information visit : https://www.d-e-u-s.art/about.php.

But first, let’s explain the current situation of centralized data centers.Current Conditions of Centralized Data Centers WorldwideThe total number of internet users worldwide grew by 332 million in the past 12 months, with more than 900,000 new users each day.
At the same time, not all aspects of environmental impact are considered in the creation of such facilities, which makes the situation difficult since the usage of electronic devices made up between 10-20% of the world’s electricity supply in 2020.Nevertheless, the Internet is the world's largest network of information, so it is essential to have a secure, decentralized infrastructure and inexpensive architecture to store, share, and — in an ideal world — control our information.P2P Cloud Storage Is the Best Way to Keep Your Data Private and SecureA peer-to-peer cloud storage network is a decentralized and encrypted platform based on nodes, where these nodes are people around the world who store data in the most secure and private way.But, why should we decide to move to a peer-to-peer network?
Consider these four reasons:1) 100% Secure and Censorship-ResistantBecause there is no centralized server, P2P systems do not have a single potential breach point and thus a single point of failure.
As a result, any server may fail catastrophically, resulting in data outages and impacting millions at one go.The strength of P2P cloud storage is generated in the nodes distributed around the world, where data is cut into pieces before being stored on different nodes and is reconstructed only when needed by the user.
This means that if a node shuts down, the self-healing decentralized infrastructure will redistribute data to other nodes and make it fully available on the network again in milliseconds.On the other hand, censorship is increasingly used on the Internet, demonstrating that it isn’t the free and neutral environment it used to be.
There are three forms of censorship today:Prohibiting people’s access to particular Internet destinations and services.Disabling access to disruptive technologies that enable users to overcome censorship.Identifying users who are circumventing censorship.Several censoring tools are available, where most of them take advantage of the fact that circumvention traffic is easily identifiable.That’s why everyone needs access to a P2P cloud solution and a thoroughly reliable and globally scalable P2P filesystem.

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