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Is Taking Zinc And Magnesium Together A Healthier Option?


Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays a role in a variety of bodily functions. Zinc is one of seven important nutrients for healthy functioning, along with magnesium, iron, calcium, iodine, silica, and selenium.

Both zinc and magnesium are highly beneficial for your regular body operation. Let’s discuss their meaning first and then go with its together intake;

What is Zinc?

Zinc is an important trace component for your body’s growth, maintenance, and development.

Even though it is extremely crucial for your overall health and well-being, your body is incapable of storing it naturally like other vitamins and minerals. This is why you should consume zinc regularly, both in your meal and through supplements such as zinc capsules. Moreover, zinc intake for adults is 8 mg for women and 11 mg for men.

What is Magnesium?

Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in your body, and it is essential for its smooth functioning. This nutrient is involved in hundreds of metabolic processes as well as several other important bodily functions. Your body requires about 300 mg of magnesium per day, but it cannot produce it. Magnesium glycinate tablets are more beneficial than simply magnesium supplements.

Can we take magnesium and zinc together?

Of course! In reality, they should be viewed overall. Because minerals and vitamins compete for your body’s capacity to absorb them, they require particular conditions to be effective. The rewards of minerals are mutual in some cases, but they counteract each other’s level of absorption in others (termed bioavailability).

In the correct dose, the combination of magnesium and zinc is beneficial to your health. These two work so well together that there are many oral supplements available that do both.

Magnesium aids in the regulation of zinc levels in the body, but excessive zinc consumption can decrease magnesium absorption — only abnormally elevated doses i.e., around 142 mg of zinc per day will minimize magnesium absorption.

What Are the Health Goodies of Magnesium and zinc consumption?

  1. Zinc

The body uses zinc for multiple purposes, including:

  • Aid in the healing of wounds.
  • Enzyme production catalyzes key chemical reactions.
  • Process carbohydrates, protein, and dietary fats.
  • Immune system booster.
  • Maintains bone density.
  • Facilitates the division and growth of cells.
  • Supports the production of DNA.

2. Magnesium

Magnesium has a wide range of health advantages:

  • Offers support from muscle tension.
  • Improves the quality of sleep.
  • Reduces fatigue.
  • After workout sessions and sports, it aids muscle recovery.
  • Repairs skin to keep it flexible and supple.
  • Bone growth is assisted.
  • Contributes to the health of the nervous system and the metabolic rate.

Best sources of Zinc and Magnesium

Zinc is much more convenient for your body to absorb than magnesium, your body requires less zinc than magnesium.

Zinc deficiency should not be an issue if you eat a well-balanced diet. Zinc can be located in a range of foods, including; beans, nuts, shellfish, cereals, poultry, and wholegrain.

The maximum amount is determined by the dosage of magnesium tablets or capsules. However, magnesium glycinate 400mg tablets can be considered as the average intake.

When it comes to magnesium, the best thing to make sure you get enough is to eat a diet that includes magnesium-rich foods like spinach, nuts, beans, and whole grains. If you have a magnesium deficiency, you can increase your supplements intake as per the doctor’s guidelines.

ProperVit has manufactured zinc gluconate capsules and magnesium glycinate tablets to meet your regular recommended dosage of both nutrients.

You will also get other vitamins supplements from our store. We ensure to deliver the products to enhance the nourishment for your healthy life. For more details visit us now!

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