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Fashion photography and Best Photgraphers

Fashion photography and Best Photgraphers

Fashion photography has been around since the dawn of photography. Fashion photography has become very popular in society, especially among fashion icons and new fashion trends. Fashion photography is a ground of photography that is dedicated to showing off fashion, beauty and clothing. Fashion photography is mostly done for fashion magazines like Vogue and the other purpose of this photography is advertisements. Fashion photography has developed an aesthetic where clothing and fashion are enhanced by the presence of exotic locations or accessories.

la headshot photographer


In short, the different types of fashion photography are:


·        Catalogue photography

·        High fashion 

·        Street fashion

·        Editor mode

  • Catalogue photography- Catalogue photography is perhaps the simplest of the 4 styles of fashion photography. The goal is to sell clothes with an emphasis on clothes. This is often a good place to start with fashion photography before moving on to other styles. Catalogue photography is a kind of photography of a product. There is a single difference between catalogue and product photography that is the presence of the subject. 

  • High fashion photography- Haute couture is something that people often see on the covers of their favourite magazines. But from a photographer's point of view, haute couture means famous supermodels in often exaggerated poses, sometimes unrealistic outfits, and all the elements, including hairstyle and location, mixed to create the perfect image.

  • Street fashion photography- Street fashion, also known as urban fashion, is often seen as the opposite of haute couture. The street fashion branch is alternative fashion - grunge and hip-hop are later examples of the main styles of street fashion.

The street fashion vision is more rugged than haute couture. It consists of items that people wear daily, such as jeans, shirts, and hoodies. 

  • Editorial fashion photography- This is fashion photography that tells a story. You can find editorial fashion photography in publications such as magazines and newspapers. Images usually accompany the text, which can cover a wide range of topics.

  • Top-Notch Fashion Photographer (Los Angeles)

·        Zach Brandan: Famous for his headshot photography and capturing abilities of the wide range. And uses plain background with subtle pops of colour.


·        Jethro: One of the Los Angeles, best photographers who haunt facial expressions and capture portrait photos amazingly. His works have been featured in LA’s QP magazine. 


·        Josh Ryan: Proven his name with no formal training. Ryan’s style includes dynamic black and whites, desaturated and grainy earth tones.

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