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The Home that Breathes

ACE Group
The Home that Breathes

It might be challenging to find enough room to develop a garden if you live in a city or areas like NCR. So, if you own a big flat or apartment in Delhi NCR with large balconies or window boxes, then these are the best ideas to add a touch of greenery to your house. A balcony or a rooftop garden is exactly what it sounds like: a garden set up on a balcony or your roof. Because of the restricted area, this style of urban gardening is based on container gardening. You may add little trellises to your pots and containers to allow some plants to grow vertically, depending on the size of your balcony or roof.

Tips for Home Gardening

Read More: https://www.acegroupindia.com/blog/the-home-that-breathes/

ACE Group
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