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3 Common Timeshare Problems and How to Get Rid of Them

Licensed Timeshare Attorneys
3 Common Timeshare Problems and How to Get Rid of Them

You probably had high hopes of going on lavish vacations regularly when you signed up for a timeshare. But perhaps you’ve since realized that it’s an unnecessary expense that you may not be able to commit to, especially nowadays when traveling has become challenging because of the COVID-19 pandemic. So what can you do? Can you cancel a timeshare—and how? Do timeshare cancellation companies work? The short answer is no. Don’t believe timeshare cancellation companies that say they can help you. They will likely end up causing even more problems.

What are the problems with timeshare rescission?

Timeshare cancellation is rarely ever a straightforward process. For best results, hire a timeshare lawyer instead of going to a cancellation company. A legal professional will walk you through the process and make sure you can avoid the troubles associated with a challenging case like this. A competent lawyer will save you from dealing with potentially dodgy timeshare groups that can cause further aggravation, stress, and financial loss.

Let’s take a look at the most common problems associated with timeshares and timeshare cancellation: 

Timeshares are not what they seem

The sales pitch and the dream of having luxurious vacations in prime destinations make timeshares attractive hence many people buy into the hype. But that’s just on the surface. Owning a timeshare doesn’t give you full ownership of the property even as you continue paying for your dues over the years. The only thing you’re buying is the right to use the property for a short period, usually 7 days every year.

The cancellation period has ended

Most contracts will allow a timeshare cancellation within a specific time frame. But in most cases, it’s already too late after the buyer realizes that the deal is not worth it.

Messy contracts

Timeshare contracts tend to be confusing so they are hard to get out of. You may have been made to believe by the timeshare company that you can never get out of it. Some people have approached companies like Wesley timeshare cancellation for help in rescinding their contract, only to fail. So if you want your timeshare cancellation to be successful, work with a reputable and experienced timeshare lawyer that specializes in consumer protection law.

About the author:

Tom Ghallager has been involved with Timeshare Attorneys for the last ten years. His focus is to bring awareness to the timeshare community of their rights and options to protect themselves from predatory sales practices used by the salespeople at these timeshare sales presentations. He shares his focus to help timeshare owners protect themselves from Timeshare Exit Companies that are inducing timeshare owners to pay fees for a service that requires legal counsel. His in-depth research specializes in high-quality, original content that provides meaningful value to existing and potential clients for Licensed Timeshare Attorneys.

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