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Online marketplace for local businesses

merle shay
Online marketplace for local businesses

Online marketplace for local businesses

If you’re looking to tap into the growing ecommerce market, your local & small business needs to sell on the best online marketplaces for sellers.

VIsit Here:- https://soukchic.ae/business/Web/faq

Seller FAQ

Get the knowledge you need to start a seller account on Soukchic.

What is Soukchic?

Soukchic is an online marketplace created for women. Our website includes all women related products.

Who is your target market?

Our target market is women of all ages, all over the UAE.

Will there only be women’s products on Soukchic? 

Soukchic is a website that targets women. Therefore, the website is going to be offering everything women could possibly need under one platform.

What do you aim to achieve? 

At Soukchic, our aim is to empower women entrepreneurs to start building their business career by providing them with a platform created to cater all their needs.

Why should I sell on Soukchic? 

Soukchic has a specified target market, which makes it easier for sellers to increase sales. The pick, pack and ship program makes it easy for sellers to get their products packaged and delivered without a hassle!

Who can buy from Soukchic? 

Anyone within the UAE is able to shop from our wide range of women focused products.

Contact Us

Facebook:- https://www.facebook.com/soukchic.ae/

Instagram:- https://www.instagram.com/soukchic.ae/

Twitter:- https://twitter.com/soukchic_ae

merle shay
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