They're not only sociable, entertaining, and a great workout, Our online fitness training range from low impact to more intense. And they're presented live and in person by Amit Dahiya and Pooja Rajpal. It's also possible to get 1:1 personal training online and is used to offer all lessons in the comfort of your own home. Before your first lesson, You are invited to invite additional family members to attend the lesson. However, please do not give out your Zoom connection to anybody else.

We all know losing weight is not as easy as it sounds.
Even after running on the treadmill for hours and lifting those heavyweights, getting that well-toned body still feels like a dream.

This training programme is specifically designed to increase muscle growth by putting metabolic stress on it.
This method of strength training intended to induce the fastest muscle growth, possible, without losing efficacy over an extended period of time.
While gaining muscle mass it also helps in building muscle strength.