The advent of technology has made our generation sedentary. Due to the cost of app development technology, the amount of physical work has almost diminished which is the root cause of various problems. As per World Obesity approximately 2.7 billion adults get obese and around 177 million adults will severly gets affected by 2025.
These stats show that we are living in the dark times and the agenda of Health & Fitness is in desperate need of a push. You can see this push in the form of increasing number of Gyms and nutrition centres across the world.
Gyms have been a huge success. However, everybody doesn’t have the time to join the gym. Moreover, some do join on the New Year’s Eve and then procrastinate for the rest of year.
For such audiences, the diet & fitness app is a saviour. They assist the users to follow a proper diet and to keep build Health and Fitness Apps a check on their calorie intake.