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Top 7 Time Saving G-Suite Tips

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Top 7 Time Saving G-Suite Tips

What is Google G-Suite?

G Suite (formerly Google Workspace) is a Google-developed suite of cloud-based business, productivity, and collaboration solutions. G Suite was previously known as Google Apps until 2016, when it was relaunched. G Suite is particularly popular among businesses in need of email hosting. However, G Suite includes a variety of other tools that, when utilized on a daily basis, can help your company enhance productivity and cooperation. G Suite Marketplace is an add-on to the G Suite platform. You can utilize Marketplace to install third-party cloud applications as part of your G Suite toolkit.

Top 7 G-Suite Time Saving Tips

  1. Protect your data by using Gmail’s confidential mode.
  2. Minimize tabs by using the research pane.
  3. In Google Docs, you can hide your view activity.
  4. Customize the search screen in Google Chrome and add shortcuts to your favorite websites.
  5. Ok Google, do my work.
  6. Start a Q&A session with Google slides.
  7. Can’t rescue the images from a Google Doc?

For more details visit - Top 7 G-Suite Time Saving Tips

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