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Protect Thos LLC

Shuriken is frequently referred to as throwing stars or ninja stars. These stars are arguably the most popular weapon used in Ninjutsu. In earlier times, the Shuriken throwing stars were typically considered the secondary weapon to the sword and were not generally considered the deadly weapon. They commonly use ninja throwing stars to slow down the attackers or as a distraction. There is even evidence that the ninjas sometimes burred their throwing stars partially in the ground as a way to injure their attackers when stepped upon. The Shuriken throwing stars in New Jersey, Texas, California come in different weights, styles, and sizes. In Japan, they initially made these stars from everyday items like nails, plates of metal, and knives, which is the reason why you find a large variety of ninja throwing stars. 


Each instructor has their own favourite types of ninja Shuriken that they usually prefer to throw; the basic design of the bladed star allows new styles to be developed all the time. One thing that makes Protect Thou LLC great is the large selection of unique Shuriken that you will not find everywhere. We have many styles and designs of throwing stars in New Jersey, Texas, California that is perfect for your backyard fun and for your protection. We always try to carry out a good selection of inexpensive ninja throwing stars to practice without feeling bad if they got damaged and other useful things for your safety. 



Based on the characteristics of Shuriken, it can be divided as below:-


  1. Straight
  2. Star
  3. Cross
  4. Disc
  5. Hira Shuriken 
  6. And Special type


The straight throwing star can be round, square, octagon, pentagon, or round in shape. Though, there are cases when there are two points. The weight depends on the diameter and length of these throwing stars. 


The special needle shape resembles a large needle. These special types of throwing stars are thrown in various ways, such as sideways, underarms, overhead, and rearwards. In such cases, the blade slides out of hand through the fingers in a controlled and smooth flight. 


The Hira-Shuriken resembles the concept of what the weapon is recognized. These are constructed from the thin flat plates of metal derived from different sources like carpentry tools, coins, and even nail removers.  

For more info, visit- https://protectthoullc.com/

Protect Thos LLC
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