AI Products 

Tune Me — PRO Key is a KEY which unlocks the PRO features in Tune Me.

This is the popular product of B-Side Studios.

APK file size of this app is 3.6M, and we suggest you use the Wi-fi connection when downloading to save your 3G data. Tune Me — PRO Key works with Android "4.0" and higher version, so please check your system before you install it.

This app is updated on Jan 21, 2016. If you have any trouble with Tune Me — PRO Key, feel free to go B-Side Studios website and contact to developer. We hope you enjoy this app and share it with your friends on Facebook, Google+ or Twitter.

How to use:

* Download and open this app; your account will automatically be registered as a PRO user.

* Download and/or open the free Tune Me app

Pro Features

* Unlocked beats: install any beat from your device's music library as a beat.

* Ad-free: ads are removed in the pro version

About Tune Me

Tune Me is the ultimate hip-hop and R&B recording studio.

Set the effect to full-strength to T-Pain-ify your voice, or use the smooth setting for subtle, professional correction. Download and record over 50+ free beats, or upload your own. Share your tracks to Soundcloud, YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook.

Recording and Editing Features

★ Fast processing - effect applied in background while recording

★ Mixer - adjust volume of vocals and beat separately

★ Calibration - automatically sync vocals with the beat

★ Waveform Display - visualization of beat gives helpful cues while recording

★ Clip Light - lights up if you are singing too loudly

Thank you and enjoy Tune Me — PRO Key now!

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