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How To Start A Digital Marketing Agency From Scratch?

SF Digital Studios
How To Start A Digital Marketing Agency From Scratch?

Have you ever thought of starting your digital marketing agency? In this video, we will walk you through the process of how to start a digital marketing agency right from day one. Watch now!

How can I start my marketing agency from scratch? How to capture clients online?

Good question. So, first of all, congratulations that you are thinking about creating setting up your own business and your marketing agency. First of all, you don't need to be an expert at Google Ads to run a marketing agency just like you don't need to be a great chef to run a restaurant you can be a restaurant owner and you employ chefs in your restaurant with a marketing agency you can buy or you can get media buyers to hire them and run your agency now I'm not sure how much experience you have of digital marketing but what I would recommend is have at least some experience by working in an agency, to begin with. Learn how things are set up. How the workflows are done and how everybody manages the work and the team.

Once you've got some experience then obviously you will need to start with some kind of investment or money. You can't start a business with zero money well a lot of people have done with £5 or £10 and started the business into multinationals it depends on how much capital you have to generate leads if you don't have leads right now you will need to spend either on paid ads or organic content marketing or going door to door knocking on doors trying to get new customers no matter what you do you will either need to spend time or you need to spend money. Whichever one you got more, you spend that. If you got the cash, by all means, start running ads and you start to get leads.

So, to generate leads, you need to have a good offer first of all. Why should somebody come to you? What is your offer and then you start the discussion and the conversation with the prospect and then they will make up demand whether they wish to go with you or not. In the beginning obviously, if you haven't got a marketing agency you don't have any testimonials or case studies to go with. So this is where you will need to convince your prospect to go with you. So by all means get started and I wish you all the best with your new business.

SF Digital Studios
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