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How Aluminium Composite Panel (ACP) Leads to Sustainable Architecture?

Nisha Bisht
How Aluminium Composite Panel (ACP) Leads to Sustainable Architecture?

ACP sheets or Aluminium Composite Panels are an age new building material which is not just a boon for architects, interior designers or builders but also the environment! Yes, these new sustainable materials popularly known as ‘sandwich panels’ are a new road to sustainable architecture!

Sustainable architecture is not just designing buildings that are durable but also contribute to make the earth sustainable. ACP sheets, is just a step forward to actual sustainable architecture. Here are a few advantages of incorporating ACP sheets in Architecture Design.

The Aluminium Composite Panels comprises of recycled materials such as aluminium, polymer and few minerals. Choosing Aluminium Composite Panels is choosing sustainability as it is 100% recyclable.

Apart from providing flexible design options for Architects, ACP sheets provide functional and decorative surfaces that are weather resistant, rigid and easy to maintain. While Aluminium as a material contributes to sustainable architecture, the composite panels are as strong as steel and are lightweight thus reducing use of steel in the building design. These can be a great option in today’s modern architecture.

It is therefore, almost a true fact that ACP sheets can accord a helping hand towards sustainability and emerge as a new found material for sustainable architecture.

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Nisha Bisht
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