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Are You a Single Parent? These Tips Will Make Your Life Easy

Prapti Chauhan
Are You a Single Parent? These Tips Will Make Your Life Easy

Being a single parent is not easy since raising a child all alone can be stressful and exhausting. Until a few decades ago, single parenting was even more difficult due to the taboos associated with it. However, things have changed today, including the definition of single parenting. Earlier, only divorced or widowed people were considered single parents, but now, many people are attaining parenthood through adoption, IVF, or surrogacy. Some parents raise the child alone because their spouse or partner lives in a different city or country. Whatever the reason be, the fact remains—raising a child all by yourself is challenging and a lot more difficult than it may seem.

Here are some tips that, with some effort and discipline, can help you make this herculean task easier:

Get Organized

Being organized can save you from chaos. It means having a proper routine, less clutter, fixed meal times and maintaining lists. You must schedule time for meals, chores, and bedtimes for better time management. Having a fixed time for laundry will also save you from the last-minute search for a sock before the school bus arrives. Having a weekly meal plan is also a great way to save time that is otherwise invested in thinking about what to cook and planning grocery items to buy. Every night, before going to bed keep the school uniform, office clothes, books etc. ready for the next day. If there is an art and craft item for the school, finish it and keep it ready beforehand. Keeping everything ready in advance is always a great way to save time and energy.

Build a Support System

Trying to do everything on your own will lead to burnout. Therefore, try to create a support system. Take help from your parents, siblings, neighbors, colleagues, and friends. If you can afford to hire a babysitter then do not hesitate. In many countries having a governess or nanny for a child is common. You can also enroll your child in the neighborhood daycare. There are also some good support groups for single parents both online and offline. Join them to get mental and emotional support. Do not feel guilty taking a break.

Spend Time With Your Kids

Often single parents are so stressed out running day-to-day errands that they do get enough time to spend with their kids. Do something together like going to a park, visiting a museum, going out for ice cream, or simply sitting and talking on the couch. As a single parent, you often end up doing more work. However, make sure to take out some time each day exclusively for your child. Try to read a book to your child before bedtime or tell them about your day during dinner. Always ask them about their day as well. Spending time together will strengthen your bond as a family.

Set limits

Being a single parent means you have to play the role of both “good cop” and “bad cop”. Always have discipline and set limits. Having boundaries is important for kids.

Author Bio: Prapti Chauhan is a professor of Genetics in Bangalore. She has contributed to several online research papers. However, she passionately develops contents on pregnancy, childbirth, childcare and stem cell banking and umbilical cord lining and more.

Prapti Chauhan
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