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Cerebral Palsy Rehabilitation

Seha Garden
Cerebral Palsy Rehabilitation

If anyone looking for cerebral palsy treatment center in Kerala? Then you can choose Seha garden international hospital. They provides Physical therapy for cerebral palsy which can improve mobility. Physical therapy can help relieve pain, muscle stiffness, and improve overall mobility in patients with all types of cerebral palsy. Rehabilitation and cerebral palsy overview, orthotic. · occupational therapy for children with cerebral palsy should focus on activities of daily living, such as feeding, dressing, toileting, grooming, and. Physical therapy is an essential part of a cerebral palsy treatment, as it is focused on helping patients restore mobility and function to areas of their body damaged. Physical therapy & cerebral palsy cp information. Physical therapy is an important part of rehabilitation for many different conditions, but it is especially important in the treatment of cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy (cp) cannot be cured; however, a variety of treatments can help people with cp to maximize their abilities and physical strength, prevent complications.

Seha Garden
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