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Full Proof Plan For Salon Website Design

Obiyan Infotech
Full Proof Plan For Salon Website Design

Today, people look more online than around them. Gone are the days when people would come to know about any new establishment in their locality from banners and billboards put up outside at the side of the road. Now, for purchasing any product or hiring any service, people search for the product online, check out the size, place an order and make the payment.

In this category, now, the salon and beauty spa centers fall. However, there are still some salons that have not yet prepared an online presence. Here is a detailed guideline where you can prepare a good website for your salon. If required, you can also take the help of a website design company to design an effective website.

Purpose and objectives

When developing a website for your salon business, you have to keep in mind that it is one of your most effective marketing tools. So, you have to build up your website will all the necessary elements to present or market to your target audience. People want to know the reason that led you to develop this business and its website.

Generally, the purpose of creating a salon website is to sell salon services and products online. Given below are some points that will help you to set the objectives of a salon website:

·        Grab the attention of the visitors who want to buy your services and products.

·        Attract those people who may refer your services and your website to others.

·        Gain client information for marketing.

·        Trigger customers to book for their services online so that they can free themselves from standing and waiting in a long queue.

·        Convey the brands used by the salons to the target market.

·        Help customers with the contact information and direction.

Best web design practices for a salon website

To make a good salon website, there are a lot of factors associated with it. Given below are some effective factors which, if kept in mind, will deliver the best salon website design:

a.      Color palette

One of the most fun aspects of building an effective salon website is the color that is used in it. You will find a plethora of information on the psychology of colors. According to the color palette, every color is associated with a meaning. For example, Pizza Hut and KFC use red to stimulate the hunger of the people. Even though the colors used in the website are not a conscious decision, they impact a person subconsciously and can help a site increase its conversion.

b.     Have a balance between text and images

It is said that a picture speaks a thousand words. Therefore, to make your salon website effective and impactful, make sure that each paragraph does not have more than four or five sentences, and after each paragraph, that has to be a relevant picture. However, too many images on a site can make it look clumsy. That is why it is essential to create a balance between the images used and the written content.

c.      Layout

To increase the rate of conversion, you will come across a lot of layouts that can be incorporated to build a site. Some of the obscure layouts can be F or Z shape. While these are the general rules that may work for some people, you need not limit yourself. Make sure that the entire arrangement is made logically that will guide your reader to the final call to action and present them with that piece of information that you want them to know.

d.     Mobile devices

You need to choose a website design that is functional on both desktop and mobile devices. After the emergence and rise of smartphones, people today are more glued to their mobile phones than anything else. So why not use this opportunity to ensure that the website functions equally well on mobile devices! Also, Google notices those sites that are designed to work on multiple platforms. 

e.      Typography

The typography of a website brings the feel of a website. Every website has a particular type of slant that its typography can better achieve. For example, the look of a salon website can be changed entirely by changing the typography. Since a salon business has a lot to do with the fashion, style, and glamor industry, use stylish typography to impact your audience's minds. The typography includes kerning and line height.

f.      Call to action

One of the most impactful yet most ignored aspects of a salon business website is the call-to-action or CTA. The call-to-action can range from anything in between 'call now' to 'book now.' When writing the CTA, there are a few things to be kept in mind. First, there should be at least one CTA for every one and a half pages of content. Second, the CTA should range between 2 to 4 words. Finally, the color in which you write the CTA should contrast with the background color and the website's colors.

g.     Community

If you want to bring all your customers together from all the corners of the web, your website is the only effective platform. This can be made possible by employing social media buttons and providing newsletters to your consumers.

h.     Content

Building a salon business website is like purchasing a property. Now, to decorate that property, you have to add relevant content to it. This will keep your audience glued to your site. One of the most effective means of adding content is by having a blog section on your website.

i.       Copy

Web copy falls under the category of content. The only difference between a copy and content is copy is a miniature form of content. For example, a web copy can include messages that will influence people to take your services. While writing copies, make sure it is not too long and tedious.


Therefore, having a salon website is an effective means of marketing your services. Hence, it is imperative to make a salon website worthy enough for people to visit the site, stay in it, and return.

Obiyan Infotech
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