Selling cars is tough. Buyers are fussy about the color, the interiors and all the bells and whistles. They want to take every model they fancy out for a spin. But getting all the cars a buyer wants into one showroom can be problematic. A few months back, an auto manufacturer decided to solve this problem using Virtual Reality (VR). Using a VR headset and a mobile phone, the manufacturer now puts customers into the cockpit of its latest SUV for a test ride practically anywhere, any time. The mobile app is clever. It takes potential buyers through idyllic countryside and presents the brand in a smashing new technological light, especially to young buyers.

These handwritten newsletters contained news about wars, economic conditions, and social customs and were circulated among merchants.
The first printed Fast news appeared by the late 1400s in German pamphlets that contained content that was often highly sensationalized.
The first newspaper written in English was The Weekly Newes, published in London in 1621.
However, it did not have permission from the government to be published and was immediately suppressed Disadvantages of TV NewsIt CAN BE limited by timeIt may rely too heavily on personalities, emotions, opinions…not factsIt can shortchange complex stories or avoid them altogether.What conclusions can you draw from this story?
Virginia tech graduate student Jamal Albarghouti captured video of the deadly shooting on his cell phone, which launches this story about the reaction, which in some places has been to encourage people to carry guns on campus.
Fast news or fake news?Speed versus qualityA conspicuous objective has been bioRxiv, an open access vault set up in 2013 and facilitated by the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in New York, USA, alongside its more youthful sister site medRxiv.

These handwritten newsletters contained news about wars, economic conditions, and social customs and were circulated among merchants.
The first printed Fast news appeared by the late 1400s in German pamphlets that contained content that was often highly sensationalized.
The first newspaper written in English was The Weekly Newes, published in London in 1621.
However, it did not have permission from the government to be published and was immediately suppressed Disadvantages of TV NewsIt CAN BE limited by timeIt may rely too heavily on personalities, emotions, opinions…not factsIt can shortchange complex stories or avoid them altogether.What conclusions can you draw from this story?
Virginia tech graduate student Jamal Albarghouti captured video of the deadly shooting on his cell phone, which launches this story about the reaction, which in some places has been to encourage people to carry guns on campus.
Fast news or fake news?Speed versus qualityA conspicuous objective has been bioRxiv, an open access vault set up in 2013 and facilitated by the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in New York, USA, alongside its more youthful sister site medRxiv.