Some eye disorders happen without any warning. You may have developed an eye disorder already, but not feeling a thing because there are no obvious symptoms. This case is one reason why some people find it hard to cure their existing eye problems.
An annual eye exam is one key to addressing this issue. Remember that undergoing a comprehensive eye test can help you assess and understand the current status of your eyes.
With the help of advanced technology, eye exams allow ophthalmologists or optometrists to look into the different parts of your eyes, like the retina and cornea. They can also evaluate the condition of your blood vessels. This instance helps detect various health conditions, including the following:
● Hypertension
● Diabetes
● Hypercholesterolemia
● You need to keep in mind that these diseases can cause complications and may gradually affect your vision. Records show that around 84 million Americans with prediabetes may develop diabetic eye disease. This particular eye problem causes blindness among adults.
Eye exams can help save your vision and your life in general. It provides early detection and prevention. Make an appointment now with your eye clinic Los Angeles, CA.