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Light or Dark Luxury Vinyl Plank Flooring Choose the best color

Light or Dark Luxury Vinyl Plank Flooring Choose the best color

Flooring is a big decision, especially when it comes to color. Do you want light or dark Luxury Vinyl Plank Flooring? Both light and dark colors have their benefits. Light colors can make a room feel larger, while dark colors can add richness and warmth.

Choosing a floor can be overwhelming. There are a million different kinds, with all their different qualities and finishes-to say nothing of the tones or colors! I was drawn to Luxury Vinyl Planks because it’s waterproof; not only does this make life easier for me (kid/pet-friendly), but also scratch-resistant which means my floors will stay cleaner longer than if you were trying other options like carpet durability wise -though they do come at a cost.

If you’re not sure, it’s always a good idea to consult with a flooring specialist. They can help you choose the best color and type of flooring for your needs.

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