Environmental awareness is being aware of one's surroundings and making decisions that benefit rather than harm the environment. Using safe and non-toxic building supplies, saving energy and water, recycling, advocacy, and others are some of the methods to develop environmental consciousness. Perhaps some of you have seen "Go Green!" signs, advertisements, and the like. But, exactly, what does it mean to "go green"? Going green can take many forms, but it primarily involves being conscious of the natural environment and adopting environmentally friendly economic decisions. For example, instead of using throwaway plastic water bottles, this may mean purchasing a glass or ceramic water bottle. Plastic takes an extraordinarily long time to degrade, and a large portion of it ends up in the seas, where it kills plant and animal life. Using an all-natural haircare product rather than a can of harmful aerosol spray might be another way to be green. When people "go green," they are demonstrating their concern for the environment. The negative impacts of human activities on the biophysical environment are known as environmental concerns. Environmental protection is the activity of safeguarding the natural environment on an individual, corporate, or governmental level, with the goal of benefiting both the environment and humanity. Environmentalism is a social and environmental movement that uses lobbying, education, and action to address environmental challenges. According to NOAA, the carbon dioxide equivalent of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the atmosphere has already surpassed 400 parts per million (with total "long-term" GHG topping 455 parts per million) (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Report). Climate change pollution, environmental deterioration, and resource depletion are all major current environmental challenges. The conservation movement advocates for endangered species protection, as well as the preservation of any ecologically significant natural regions, genetically modified foods, and global warming.