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Proton therapy is a type of radiation therapy that treats cancer and some noncancerous lesions with high-powered energ

Pooja salve
Proton therapy is a type of radiation therapy that treats cancer and some noncancerous lesions with high-powered energ

Proton Therapy has showed potential in the treatment of many cancers. Because doctors can better control where proton beams transmit their energy, studies have suggested that proton treatment may produce less side effects than standard radiation. However, because there have been few studies comparing proton and X-ray radiation, it's unclear whether proton treatment is more effective at extending life.

Proton therapy Market Drivers-

Over the forecast period, rising cancer prevalence is expected to drive growth in the worldwide proton treatment market. According to the World Health Organization, cancer caused around 18.1 million new cases and 9.6 million deaths globally in 2018. Furthermore, the market is likely to rise as the number of healthcare facilities delivering proton therapy grows. For example, the Illinois Health Facilities and Services Review Board authorised OSF HealthCare's intention to build a cancer care centre with proton-beam therapy in February 2020.

Cancer and some noncancerous tumours are treated using proton therapy. Proton Therapy may be the only option for treating your disease. It could also be used in combination with other treatments including surgery and chemotherapy. If the cancer persists or returns after standard X-ray radiation, proton therapy may be employed.

When cancer cells die or when the energy from the proton beam affects healthy tissue near the tumour, proton treatment can cause side effects. Proton treatment is thought to impact less healthy tissue and have fewer side effects than traditional radiation therapy because doctors can better control where the maximum concentration of energy is released. Even yet, some of the energy released by proton treatment is released in healthy tissue. The side effects you encounter will be determined by the area of your body being treated and the proton therapy dose you get.

Pooja salve
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