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Wedding Expense Traditions

Wedding Expense Traditions

When it comes to wedding costs, there are many different traditions in terms of who pays for what. Obviously modern couples often do not adhere to these types of expectations, most even pay for their ceremonies on their own, without help from their families.

But it isn’t a crime to know what is assumed based on tradition, for example, if your father-in-law is expecting, and looking to pay for a specific aspect of the wedding, and it’s best not to offend him. If it means something to him, there’s no reason why he shouldn’t be able to contribute. Here are is who tradition states you should make the bill out to…

Visit To Know More: Wedding Planner in Delhi

Groom & Family:

Marriage License and legal details.

Groom’s attire.

Bride’s bouquet.


Corsages for: Mother, Mother-in-law, and Grandmother’s on both sides.

Entire Honeymoon costs.

(If there is a) second Engagement party.

Rehearsal Dinner.

Bachelor’s Dinner.

Both the Engagement ring and Wedding band for the Bride.

Bride & Family:

Ceremony location, such as a church or synagogue, including services inside (organist etc.)

Gown, veil, shoes, and any other accessory, including honeymoon clothes.

All floral (bouquets, corsages) for bridesmaids and flower girls, and the huppah for Jewish ceremonies.

Photography and Videography.

Engagement Party.

Bridesmaids’ Luncheon.

Services such as catering, band or DJ, and decorations.

Groom’s Wedding band.

All stationary: Save The Date, invitations, announcements, programs, timelines etc.

Transportation for bridal party, for ceremony and reception.


Maid of Honor, along with the bridesmaids, will host and plan the shower.

Best Man, along with the ushers, will host and plan the bachelor party.

Friends or others will host and plan other parties.

Attendants pay for their own attire, including shoes.

Visit To Know More: Destination wedding planner in Jaipur

Once I saw this vintage engagement shoot over on Green Wedding Shoes, with photography by Callaway Gable, I just fell in love! From the authentic 1940s teal dress, to the pearls, to the suit and suitcases, what a beautiful couple!

For those who are lovers of all things travel, this would make a great, vintage inspired wedding theme. From punch card ticket Save the Dates, to gorgeous pearls, so many elements you can include for a subtle theme. Think old leather, heavy damask textures, pinstripes and ribbon.

The Save the Dates are particularly my favorite, they are so clever! And stunning photography, the lighting and shadows, the location, everything is classic!

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