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Big Tech Influence on Weather Forecasting – Will It Help You Get More Accurate Results?

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Big Tech Influence on Weather Forecasting – Will It Help You Get More Accurate Results?

Big Tech Influence on Weather Forecasting – Will It Help You Get More Accurate Results? Troubling weather conditions can harm several aspects of our daily lives. Rapid temperature fluctuations and uncertain downpours impact economic activities too. The cost of natural disasters has grown exponentially in the past few years.

Global losses surpassed $280 billion in 2021 and were at $116 billion in 2019 and $210 billion in 2020. This article highlights the influence of new entrants – the big tech companies – in weather forecasting. How will it help increase the accuracy of weather forecasting? Let’s find out.

The Need of Weather Forecast Systems

Farming is greatly influenced by changing weather. Prolonged rainfall can wash off or drown newly sowed crops. Cold waves lead to stunted growth of many crops. Lightning strikes kill livestock in hundreds of numbers every year.

High wind can knock off roofs of buildings and damage properties. Daily life gets altered due to natural disasters. Any catastrophic activity, like storms or hurricanes, disrupts communication, transportation, and connectivity. It creates commotion during an ongoing calamity and necessitates additional investments for restoration.

It is worth mentioning that a farmer can not avoid many of the dangers they face today. However, they can anticipate these in advance using daily weather forecast systems. These systems use past meteorological data and expertise for accurately identifying storm time and movement.

These systems are effective in measuring changes for hundreds of miles. What it lacks is the ability to provide nowcasting predictions. Nowcasting systems can help quantify the difference in precipitation or temperature over a selected timeframe and area. These systems can help measure even single square kilometers.

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