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MCA College near me - PIMT

PIMT College
MCA College near me - PIMT

Are you looking for the best MCA College in Punjab?

Punjab Institute of Management and Technology (PIMT) is the best MCA College in Punjab, India which offers Master of Computer Applications Course program, aspiring to provide the finest quality tech- education to students from all over the globe.

The 3-Year MCA degree program is designed to assist interested students in establishing a solid academic foundation for a future career in computer applications. The goal of the finest MCA college near me is to provide students with a vibrant learning environment. Gobindgarh Educational and Social Welfare Trust manages PIMT.

PIMT is the Top MCA Course College in Punjab, India, since it teaches students how to understand and apply technology to solve industrial and real-world IT problems.

Contact US: 9356253002 | 8196053007

Address:  GT Road, Alour, near GPS Campus, Khanna, Punjab 147301

Visit Website: https://pimt.in/mca-college-punjab/

PIMT College
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