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Oracle Fusion Financials

Oracle Fusion Financials

Oracle Fusion Financials Online Training syllabus covered by Soft Online Training is one of the best content available in the market. The trainer is having immense knowledge of the Financials Implementation Projects and executed various projects. We offer greater quality to the students with complete real-time exposure to the concepts. End to End Implementation Project scenarios are explained in the training. Every batch contains maximum of 10-15 students and we could be able to concentrate on every participant during the Oracle Fusion Financials Training in Hyderabad

Oracle Fusion Financials Training Modules:

1.   General Ledger

2.   Account Payables

3.   Account Receivables

4.   Cash Management

5.   Fixed Assets

6.   Fusion Expenses

7.   Fusion Tax

8.   Inventory Management.

9.   Purchasing

10.   Global Intercompany

11.   Reporting


  1. Order to Cash Cycles
  2. Procure to Pay Cycle

Major Concepts:

  1. Approvals
  2. Period Close Process
  3. Accounting Impact
  4. EBS VS Fusion Comparison
  5. New Features Explanation
  6. Import/Export Configurations from one instance to another instance.

Also read : Oracle Fusion Rapid Implementation – RI - Soft Online Trainings

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