AI Products 
David Mathews
Medical Pharmacy

•     Enrich your pharmacy business with our state-of-the-art solution for pharmacy delivery app. Built with the latest technology in the on-demand application development industry, our pharmacy delivery app will enable you to cater to your customers in a whole new way and take your business to greater heights.

•     Take your pharmacy business online with our ready to use On- Demand Pharmacy App Development Solution. Our Solution will help you to easily manage your medicine delivery business online. Our pharmacy delivery app with seamless medicine ordering capability will help you to deliver the orders to their customer doorstep.

Attributes of Pharmacy App

•     Ordering medicine online

•     Discovering substitutes of medicine

•     Health information

•     Providing information about side-effects

•     Booking of lab tests

•     Consultation facility

How it works?

Enhance your customer experience by offering a simple & efficient medicine ordering process.

•     Search- Find & Compare the Medicines

•     Verification- Upload Prescription For Verification

•     Cart Preparation- Add Medicine to Cart

•     Order Placement- Place Order with Free Shipping Option

•     Payment- Pay via Online Methods or Choose COD

Advance Tech-Suite For Medical Pharmacy Delivery Solution

User App

•     User Registration- User can sign up with the basic details or with the Google or social media account.

•     One Click Search Medicine- Search medicines through the categories, name, composition, brands.

•     Add to Cart- Customer can simply add them in the cart and when they need it, they can order them in a hassle-free way.

•     Easy Upload Prescription- Customer can take the photo of their prescription and upload it.

•     Order Tracking- Customers can track their order and know its status via on demand medicine mobile app.

•     Push Notifications- User can get the alerts via push notifications; they can get alert and reminders.

•     Ask Expert- Customers can ask the questions and gets the answers from health professionals.

•     Make Payments- Easy payment options through cards, online banking and mobile wallet.

Pharmacy App

•     Easy Registration- Simple, quick registration process of pharmacists

•     Order Management- Streamline the order processing, returns & refunds, info on billing & payments.

•     Manage Prices- Easily manage selling and conditional pricing for your products.

•     Manage Information- Medical vendors can keep the data organised and error free on the online delivery mobile app.

•     View Ratings and Reviews- View individual user reviews, app's reviews and star and manage them.

•     Product Listings- Pharmacists can upload and feature product image, cost and category.

•     In App Messaging- Gather feedback, solve problems, give advises and use in-app messaging as a marketing tool.

•     Manage Discounts- Create, manage, and edit discount codes to increase customer sales.

Admin Panel

•     Dashboard- Web based dashboard to manage and view all ongoing orders, active pharmacists and customers.

•     Manage Orders- View all ongoing orders, check their tracking status and manage them all at one place.

•     Manage Payments- Create new discounts, offers and manage payments.

•     Payment & Offers- Admin handles payment and offers of the customers as per their deals.

•     Content Management- Administrate content on website and app for FAQs, terms & conditions and many more.

•     Reporting & Analytics- Catalyze actions and fasten the decision-making process through data driven insights.

Why Choose Us?

•     Multiple Business Model

•     Flexibility To Customize

•     Dedicated Support

•     Get A Scalable Solution


For more details, please visit our website: https://www.martpro.net/medical-pharmacy

David Mathews
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