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React Native vs. Ionic: Which is Better for Cross-Platform App Development

Anna Sharland
React Native vs. Ionic: Which is Better for Cross-Platform App Development

For businesses that are looking to expand their online presence, the need to develop an app that can be used across multiple platforms has become increasingly more important. This is where native app development solutions like React Native and Ionic come into play. Both solutions allow you to build apps with native look and feel and share core functionality between the mobile platform versions of your apps while at the same time giving you the flexibility to add platform-specific functionality when necessary. So, what are some of the advantages and disadvantages of using each solution? Read in this content React Native vs. Iconic.


Some mobile app developers like to learn new things and others prefer to stick with something they already know. One of these options would be React Native or Ionic that are both being used by many companies for cross-platform development. But which one should you choose? React Native has some advantages over Ionic as we’ll discuss in our React Native vs. Ionic comparison, but it all depends on your specific project needs and preferences, so let’s find out which solution would be more beneficial for you.

What is Ionic?

Ionic is a mobile development framework that allows you to build apps in HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It uses AngularJS in conjunction with Cordova to make native applications across multiple platforms. The main advantage of Ionic is that it doesn’t require you to use any new languages or tools when creating your app—you can use plain old HTML, CSS and JavaScript—although you will need familiarity with these languages if you want to customize your app’s features or add new features using plugins (or APIs). Also, because it uses AngularJS, developers who are already familiar with AngularJS should be able to pick up Ionic quickly and be able to put it right into action building their first app.

Flexibility in development

The React Native framework was introduced in 2015 by Facebook as a way to develop mobile apps more easily. The technology allows developers to use JavaScript to create mobile apps that are native to each operating system, which increases a developer’s efficiency and keeps costs low. While coding for both Android and iOS separately can be time consuming, creating one app with React Native allows companies to have cross-platform capabilities without having to manage an entirely separate codebase. One downside of using React Native is that you will still need someone with native development experience on your team if you want to take advantage of certain features—so hiring react native developers might be necessary if you want complete control over your app’s features or design aspects.

Advantages of using React Native over Ionic

Unlike with hybrid applications, React Native apps are actually coded in JavaScript using real native components. This means that you have access to all of a device’s hardware, such as GPS, push notifications and camera without any interference from a third party app development framework; your code will run directly on your end users’ mobile devices or desktops. Using React Native will also help you build your cross-platform application much faster than if you had decided to go with Ionic; It’s much quicker to build a new version of an existing app when it was built with React Native because its code base can be reused across multiple platforms and operating systems instead of needing to be rewritten by developers for each platform individually .

Disadvantages of using React native over Ionic

Though both are powerful in their own ways, React Native has some limitations that Ionic doesn’t have. For example, you cannot extend beyond JavaScript while developing a mobile app with React Native; whereas, building a hybrid app with Ionic (using Angular or TypeScript) allows you to use all of your frontend programming skills when making your app. In addition, since React Native was built to be used specifically with React, learning it requires some additional effort as compared to learning HTML and CSS. Plus - if you already know JavaScript and NodeJs then it will be much easier for you than learning pure JS concepts and apply them in react native environment .

How to choose between React Native and Ionic

There are multiple options available in which you can create a cross-platform app with native characteristics, but there is just one thing to consider while choosing between them that they are mostly optimized by their unique technology and offer various development possibilities and functionalities. React Native utilizes JavaScript components to build fully fledged mobile apps, whereas ionic uses prebuilt native components along with AngularJS. According to your requirements and requirements of your clients, you have several best alternatives available in both the technologies. If you want to hire react native developers or react native development company then read a detailed guide on their expertise and experience regarding these platforms before making any decision based on their expectations as well as project details regarding budget as well as timelines from different companies offering all these services at affordable prices


React Native may be a fairly new player in cross-platform app development, but it has taken off like wildfire among developers and we foresee its popularity continuing to grow as React Native apps become more stable and feature rich. React native offers a JavaScript platform (used in web development) to be able to build cross platform applications by writing a lot less code that any other platform out there. By simply designating parts of your application as reusable, you can quickly reuse those components, making app updates faster and easier on React Native. If you’re looking to build an app that works on multiple platforms, React native seems like it could be just what you need. You can connect with the PixelCrayons platform to get the professional react native development company in India.

Anna Sharland
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