AI Products 

Biometric Manufacturer & Access Control Solution Provider | Spectra

Biometric Manufacturer & Access Control Solution Provider | Spectra

Founded in 1999 by Mr. Ashok Gulgulia, Co-Founder and Chairman, and Mr. Deepak Gulgulia, Co-Founder and CEO, Spectra has redefined identity solution offerings over these years. Backed by a dedicated and experience-rich team, we touch base with our clients, listen to them with patience, answer their queries, inform them of all the nitty-gritty, guide them through the process of building effective systems, and provide reliable after-sales support.

While Ashok Gulgulia has always been the key brain behind our highly custom-centric and industry-driven offerings that ensure each of our products is unique, yet, meets user demands, Deepak Gulgulia dedicates his energy on sales, marketing, and strategic planning. His rich experience of building strong relationships with every client, big or small, gives Spectra an edge over its competitors.

Along with them, we pride on a team of talented and dedicated minds. A lot of our team members have been an integral part of our journey towards growth for long, praiseworthy tenures and have contributed to the success story of Spectra. Together, their passion and undivided attention has made Spectra a force to recognize, that too in its short span of existence.

With eyes firmly set on the future, Spectra solely focuses on offering highly dynamic and reliable products and identity solutions.

At Spectra, even after strong product development experience of over 20 years, we still believe that each day is a new opportunity to challenge conventional barriers in technology and create newer solutions for an ever-changing world.

For more visit us at: https://www.spectra-vision.com/our-story/

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