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Indian Snacks in Toronto

Indian Snacks in Toronto


The most top-selling Indian snacks of all time. Chickpea flour is used to make these delicious, spicy, crispy sprinkles. These are the ideal addition to a cup of tea in the evening. With so many flavors, there isn’t a single individual, from youngsters to adults, who doesn’t like them. You may also use these as toppings for raita, chaat, or salads to add a new dimension to their flavor. You can easily buy indian snacks online with BuddyBasket. We have a variety of brands in Bhujiya like Daily Treat BhujiaBalaji Bhujia, and Haldiram Bhujia.


The search for a healthy alternative to junk foods like chips and puffs never ends. Thankfully, makhana provides an excellent alternative. For healthy lifestyle people, it’s a low-calorie choice that’s full of protein, calcium, carbohydrates, fiber, and nutrients like magnesium, iron, and zinc. We have a variety of Makhana available on the Buddybasket portal like Mom Roasted Makhna Cheese , Mom Roasted Makhna, etc.


Mamra, or puffed rice, is a popular base for numerous namkeens and combinations available in the market, just like Poha. They’re light on the stomach and make a nice mid-afternoon snack. In India, this is the perfect example of a fast and healthful snack.

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